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Project Configuration


Developers can create a project.config.json in the root directory of the project, which can be used to implement compilation, development, and other related functions of the project.

Instructions for Use

MiniApp IDE version 0.11.0 and above.

Supported Attributes

AttributeTypeDefault ValueDescription
scriptsObject-Configuration related to the pre-build script of the MiniApp.


For scenarios involving pre-processing, a configuration entry for precompile is provided, allowing users to execute pre-processing logic before compilation, preview, or upload. This logic will take effect in the IDE. The scripts field accepts an object, the properties of which are detailed below.

AttributeTypeExecution Timing
beforeCompileStringExecuted during IDE simulator compilation, and exits the beforeCompile process after execution.
beforePreviewStringExecuted before real device preview/real device debugging.
beforeUploadStringExecuted before uploading in the IDE.
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