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Note: Payment permissions need to be applied on the payment platform before use. Currently supported platform: paynicorn

Mini Program Integration with Paynicorn H5 Cashier includes two steps:

  1. Create an order and get the redirect link to the cashier after the payment.

  2. Open the cashier in a WebView using the obtained redirect link.

1. Create Order

Include the callback address cpFrontPage in the parameters.

Code Example

url: 'https://somedomain.com/some-create-order-api', // Example API, the business interface for creating orders
data: JSON.stringify({
cpFrontPage: 'pages/orderResult/orderResult', // Redirect to the business address after payment completion, the payment result page within the Mini Program
...otherData, // Other parameters to be passed according to the interface requirements
method: 'POST_JSON',
header: JSON.stringify({
'content-type': 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
success: (res) => {
// Get the redirect link to the H5 cashier webUrl

2. Open the Cashier

Open the H5 cashier page inside the applet, and the webUrl is obtained through the first step

Code Example

dlt.openHybridH5Page({ url: webUrl });
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