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Analytics & Reports


Dlightek MiniApp Data Module is a data display tool for MiniApp developers and operators, providing MiniApp core data to help MiniApp product iteration and optimization. Developers can view this documentation by clicking Documentation at the top of the Accounts Platform - Analytics & Reports page.

Metrics Description

Open times-Visits

  • Number of times the MiniApp was opened. Each time the user opens the MiniApp, it is counted as one time.

Active Number-DAU

  • The number of people who successfully opened the MiniApp. If the same user successfully opens the MiniApp multiple times in a day, it will be counted as one.

Avg. use Duration

  • The average total time (in minutes) that each user stays on the MiniApp page. Exclude the duration of the phone's lockscreen and when the MiniApp is in the background.

Number of new users - DNU

  • Number of users who successfully access the MiniApp for the first time.

Daily Retention (DNU)

  • The proportion of new active users (who successfully access the MiniApp for the first time) at that date and the number of those new users who visit the MiniApp again in the next N days.

Daily Retention (DAU)

  • The proportion of active users on the specified date, and the number of active users who visit the MiniApp again in the next N days.

Scene Descriptions (Visit Scene)

Scene NameScene DescriptionScreenshot
ZeroScreen (Launcher)Opened from XOS Launcher's or HiOS Launcher's ZeroScreen
Recently Used (MiniApp Center)Opened from MiniApp Center's Recently Used
Home Screen (Launcher)Opened from XOS Launcher's or HiOS Launcher's desktop shortcut
Search (Launcher)Opened from XOS Launcher's or HiOS Launcher's full-search page
Others(MiniApp Center)Opened from MiniApp Center's other scene(exclude Recently Used and Notifications)
A-Z Screen (Launcher)Opened from XOS Launcher's or HiOS Launcher's A-Z Screen
MessagesOpened from Notifications and it's relevant scenes
OthersOther scenes/
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