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Open external applications through deeplink, this API is only open internally, and need to apply actively.


Object object

PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
deeplinkstringYesThe deeplink to navigate to.
successfunctionNoCallback function for a successful API call.
failfunctionNoCallback function for a failed API call.
completefunctionNoCallback function that is called when the API call is complete (whether successful or not).
  1. Open the SMS page with a specific phone number and message content:
deeplink: 'smsto:10086:hhhhhhh';
  1. Open the dialer with a specific phone number:
deeplink: 'tel:10086';
  1. Open a web URL in the default web browser:
deeplink: 'https://www.baidu.com';
  1. Launch other external applications using the intent URI scheme:
// Open Google Play
deeplink: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details';

// Open the JD app
deeplink: 'openapp.jdmobile://virtual';

Example Code

deeplink: 'https://www.baidu.com',
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