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The dlt.getSystemInfo function is used to retrieve information about the user's mobile device and system.


Object object

PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
successfunctionNoCallback function for a successful API call.
failfunctionNoCallback function for a failed API call.
completefunctionNoCallback function that is called when the API call is complete (whether successful or not).

object.success Callback Function


Object res

successstringtrue - Successful retrieval.
modelstringThe model of the mobile device.
pixelRationumberThe device's pixel ratio, which is the ratio of physical pixels to logical pixels.
windowWidthnumberThe width of the window.
windowHeightnumberThe height of the window.
languagestringThe language setting on the device, following the ISO 639 specification.
frameworkversionstringThe version of the framework package used.
storagestringThe storage capacity of the device.
currentBatterystringThe current battery level as a percentage.
systemstringThe operating system version.
platformstringThe name of the operating system: "Android" or "iOS".
screenWidthnumberThe screen width in pixels.
screenHeightnumberThe screen height in pixels.
brandstringThe brand of the mobile device.
packageNamestringThe package name of the host app.
gaidstringThe device id of the host app.
mccstringCountry code.
capsuleHeightnumberCapsule height in px.
capsuleWidthnumberCapsule width in px.
capsuleTranslationYnumberCapsule vertical offset in px.
capsuleTranslationXnumberCapsule horizontal offset in px.
statusBarHeightnumberStatus bar height in px.

Example Code

success(res) {
console.log('success: ', res);
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