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Show Loading Toast

methodName: showLoading

Note: You need to actively call hideLoading to close the loading toast. Otherwise, it will automatically close after the specified duration.

Additional Parameters:

titleStringNoContent of the loading toast
durationNumberNo3500Duration of the loading toast in milliseconds
maskBooleanNotrueWhether to show a transparent mask to prevent touch events

Success Callback Function


Object res

successStringDescribes whether the interface call was successful or not. "true" for success, "false" for failure.

Fail Callback Function


Object res

successStringDescribes whether the interface call was successful or not. "true" for success, "false" for failure.
errMsgStringError message.

Example Usage

const dlt = window['@transsion/byteh5bridge'];
const canCallDlt = dlt && window.dltms && window.dltms.isMiniShellGame();

if (canCallDlt) {
dlt.callApi('showLoading', {
title: 'Loading title',
duration: 5000,
success: (res) => {
console.log('Success: ', res);
fail: (res) => {
console.log('Fail: ', res);
complete: (res) => {
console.log('Complete: ', res);
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