The Image component is used to display images in various formats such as JPG, PNG, SVG, WEBP, GIF, etc.
Attribute Description
Attribute | Type | Default Value | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
src | String | N/A | Yes | The URL of the image resource | |
data-src | String | N/A | No | The URL of the image resource for lazy loading | |
mode | String | scaleToFill | No | The mode for image scaling and cropping | |
lazyLoad | Boolean | false | No | Whether to enable image lazy loading | > 0.1.0 |
binderror | EventHandle | N/A | No | The event name published to AppService when an error occurs | |
bindload | EventHandle | N/A | No | The event name published to AppService when the image is loaded |
Valid values for mode
There are 13 modes available, including 4 scaling modes and 9 cropping modes.
Mode | Value | Description | Minimum Version |
Scaling | scaleToFill | Scale the image without maintaining the aspect ratio to completely stretch the width and height to fit the image element | |
Scaling | aspectFit | Scale the image while maintaining the aspect ratio so that the long side of the image is fully displayed | |
Scaling | aspectFill | Scale the image while maintaining the aspect ratio so that the short side of the image is fully displayed | |
Scaling | heightFix | Keep the height unchanged and automatically adjust the width to maintain the original aspect ratio | |
Scaling | widthFix | Keep the width unchanged and automatically adjust the height to maintain the original aspect ratio | |
Cropping | top | Do not scale the image and only display the top area of the image | |
Cropping | bottom | Do not scale the image and only display the bottom area of the image | |
Cropping | center | Do not scale the image and only display the center area of the image | |
Cropping | left | Do not scale the image and only display the left area of the image | |
Cropping | right | Do not scale the image and only display the right area of the image | |
Cropping | top left | Do not scale the image and only display the top left area of the image | |
Cropping | top right | Do not scale the image and only display the top right area of the image | |
Cropping | bottom left | Do not scale the image and only display the bottom left area of the image | |
Cropping | bottom right | Do not scale the image and only display the bottom right area of the image |
Code Example 1: Custom Scaling Modes
<view class="wrap">
<view class="card-area" s-for="item in scaleArray">
:class="['image-area', item.hasBackgroud == 1 ? 'backGround': '']"
<view class="bottom-description">{{ item.text }}</view>
data: {
scaleArray: [
mode: 'scaleToFill',
text: 'scaleToFill: Stretch the image to fit the image element without maintaining the aspect ratio',
mode: 'aspectFit',
text: 'aspectFit: Scale the image while maintaining the aspect ratio so that the long side is fully displayed',
hasBackgroud: 1,
mode: 'aspectFill',
text: 'aspectFill: Scale the image while maintaining the aspect ratio so that the short side is fully displayed',
mode: 'widthFix',
text: 'widthFix: Keep the width unchanged and automatically adjust the height to maintain the aspect ratio',
mode: 'heightFix',
text: 'heightFix: Keep the height unchanged and automatically adjust the width to maintain the aspect ratio',
src: '',
imageError(e) {
console.log('Image error occurred', e.detail.errMsg);
onTap(e) {
console.log('Image tapped', e);
imageLoad(e) {
console.log('Image loaded successfully', e.type);
Code Example 2: Custom Cropping Modes
<view class="wrap">
<view class="card-area" s-for="item in cutArray">
<view class="bottom-description">{{item.text}}</view>
data: {
cutArray: [
mode: 'top',
text: 'top: Do not scale the image and only display the top area',
mode: 'bottom',
text: 'bottom: Do not scale the image and only display the bottom area',
mode: 'center',
text: 'center: Do not scale the image and only display the center area',
mode: 'left',
text: 'left: Do not scale the image and only display the left area',
mode: 'right',
text: 'right: Do not scale the image and only display the right area',
mode: 'top left',
text: 'top left: Do not scale the image and only display the top left area',
mode: 'top right',
text: 'top right: Do not scale the image and only display the top right area',
mode: 'bottom left',
text: 'bottom left: Do not scale the image and only display the bottom left area',
mode: 'bottom right',
text: 'bottom right: Do not scale the image and only display the bottom right area',
src: '',
imageError(e) {
console.log('Image error occurred', e.detail.errMsg);
onTap(e) {
console.log('Image tapped', e);
imageLoad(e) {
console.log('Image loaded successfully', e.type);
Code Example 3: Image Lazy Loading
<view class="img-wrap">
<!-- When lazy loading is enabled, use data-src for the actual image source and src for the placeholder image -->