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Node information.

Method Parameters

boundingClientRectFunction callbackAdds a query request for the layout position of a node relative to the display area (unit: pixels). It functions similarly to getBoundingClientRect in the DOM. The return value is the selectorQuery corresponding to the nodesRef.
fieldsObject fields, Function callbackRetrieves relevant information about a node, with specific fields to be obtained specified in the fields parameter. The return value is the selectorQuery corresponding to the nodesRef.
scrollOffsetFunction callbackAdds a scroll position query request for a node (unit: pixels). The node must be a scroll-view or viewport. The return value is the selectorQuery corresponding to the nodesRef.

Sample Code

onReady() {
let node = dlt.createSelectorQuery();
// Node's position information, for regular nodes
node.select('node').boundingClientRect((rect) => {});
// Node's relevant information, for regular nodes
// Node's scroll position information, for special nodes
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