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The VideoContext instance can be obtained through dlt.createVideoContext.

VideoContext is bound to a native-video component or video through its id, allowing operations on the corresponding native-video component or video component.

Usage Limitations

The minimum basic library version for operating the VideoContext instance methods of the native-video component is 4.0.0. Please ensure compatibility.

The minimum basic library version for operating the VideoContext instance methods of the video component is 5.1.1. Please ensure compatibility.


Sample Code

<native-video :src="src" id="myVideo"></native-video>

<view bind:tap="triggerPlay"> Play </view>
<view bind:tap="triggerPause"> Pause </view>
<view bind:tap="triggerStop"> Stop </view>
<view bind:tap="triggerFullscreen"> Enter Full-Screen </view>
<view bind:tap="triggerSeek"> Jump to a Specific Position </view>
// index.js
data: {
src: 'xxxx.mp4',
onLoad() {
this.videoContext = dlt.createVideoContext('myVideo');
// Use videoContext to control video playback
triggerPlay() {
this.videoContext && this.videoContext.play();
triggerPause() {
this.videoContext && this.videoContext.pause();
triggerStop() {
this.videoContext && this.videoContext.stop();
triggerFullscreen() {
this.videoContext && this.videoContext.requestFullScreen({ direction: 0 });

// Simulate exiting full-screen mode after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
this.videoContext && this.videoContext.exitFullScreen();
}, 5000);
triggerSeek() {
// Set the playback position to 10 seconds
this.videoContext && this.videoContext.seek(10);

This code demonstrates how to use the VideoContext instance to control video playback within your application.

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